Entrepreneurship is another cornerstone of personal development.
As we go deeper into it, we establish an intimate connection with this entity that is business, whether we like that or not.
As conscious women we want to align to this relationship and bring in all that we are, so we experience flow.
This hour is for you to learn on how to bring in more juiciness into your biz by:
Connecting to your vision and anchor this in your body, so you magnetically radiate in its frequency
Stepping up as the creatress of your experience and embody what you wish to see manifested in your business and life
Bringing in your pleasure and use it as your secret weapon to build authority and gain impact
A free masterclass for conscious entrepreneurs and leaders who strive to develop a deeper connection to Eros and juice up their business.
Take your space. It is your time now to harness the power of your Eros in biz to focus and flow.
March 17th, 17:00-18:18 CET
You Will Learn How To
Use the Power of focus
and connect to your WHY aka vision
Anchor your vision in your body and find more commitment and confidence in your day to day activities
Harness the power from your womb and use it as a secret weapon in your business
I'm Ariane Lalakea
My vision is to revolutionize leadership and to bring in more Eros in everyday’s life, because I know the world is ready for untamed souls to stand in their power, leading with head, heart and womb.
To see you stepping and owning your Eros in all your affairs, is one of my biggest turn ons.
I am looking forward to getting to know you and supporting you in unleashing your Eros in Business, so you can serve from a place of authenticity and integrity and shine your light strongly into the world.