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Integrating EROS is about giving yourself permission to be all of you all of the time,
so you expand as the emotional, intuitive, powerful and magical being that you are,

leading with head, heart and life force energy.

Ariane Lalakea 

... GOOD BYE to hustling and burning down your batteries

This means 

  • to be in service from devotional LOVE, 
    so you can meet life with radical acceptance and speak your truth with ease 

  • to balance POLARITIES, 
    so you can build sustainable success

  • to anchor in your BODY, your lived experience, 
    so you can feel vital and relaxed throughout your day and be present with all of life 

  • and to ignite through SEXUAL ENERGY MASTERY, 
    so you can spark your creativity and turn on


for a thriving, yummy and vital life

embodied leadership
embodied leadership

Hello gorgeous,

My name is Ariane Lalakea.

I was on the verge of a burn out at the age 28 working as a fullpower business consultant. I developed an autoimmune disease due to overachieving and an overly performance drive. I was a brain on two legs, not only disconnected but also misusing my body and sexuality always on the run for the next dopamine kick. 

My own healing has led me on this path of liberating my sexual energy, working through my traumas and re-educating myself in a second master degree in positive psychology and coaching and loads of trainings around embodiment, intimacy, Tantra and trauma.

I have multiple projects that are all focused on cultivating this deep connection to our earthly temple, the body and therefore to sexual energy, our life force energy. 

I wish to see a world full of vital and grounded beings, who are in touch with themSELVES and taking respons-ability for their own life and creations. 

In my work I combine a modern and holistic approach to embodiment, wellbeing and intimacy with those of ancient tantric and shamanic wisdoms. 

I am here to spark your juiciness in everything that you do and live the life of your dreams.

Check out my Projects

Better Relations Method



feat. 15 leading experts in answering the questions 


online March 19-26



We work with conscious kink (Tantra and BDSM) as a path of personal and spiritual development 

Supporting individuals and couples to fully embody their erotic self, exploring their desires, understanding boundaries and knowing oneself. 

We host week long immersions for individuals and couples

Temple Trilogy

Transform your lovership skills in this series of 3 temples in 3 month in and around Amsterdam. 

this is for individuals who desire to anchor deeply in self worth, 

shift whom they attract and how they relate through the exploration of sensual, dominant and sacred self.

Featured in 

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In Service to EROS  
                  with all that I am

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