Tune in to turn on
An immersive weekend
for business owners to master life force energy to fuel business and leadership
October 25th, 18:18-22:22
October 26th, 10:10-19:19
Leadership * Surrender * Receive * Balance * Pleasure Driven Leader * Somatic CEO
Are you tired of being tired and do you want to feel more vital at the end of a day?
Does your body long for attention, are you done with ranking your body as the last resource or do you wish to feel more radiant by lifting the weight of daily stress?
Are you done with this continuous feeling of needing to “man up” in order to be successful and you so long for finding a way to lead that is closer to your heart and closer to your body?
Do you know that there is a sacred power hidden in between your legs, you are confused, maybe even a bit ashamed of it, but you also instinctively know that this is what can help you to feel more trust, ease, joy and freedom?
Does this resonate?
Then come and Pleasure Up so you can reach your next level in business through embodied leadership.
This is an invitation for you to join me for a weekend to Tune In To Turn On, connect to your pleasure, your body and your feminine energy and learn how to harness this in your everyday.
For a Life in Pleasure, Ease & Radiance
The Pleasure Up weekend is for you to recharge your batteries and deeply connect with your life force energy so you have more flow, resilience, confidence and strength in your everyday.
Increase your Resilience & Capacity
Release all the stress and tension in your body through somatic practices and find deeper capacity from within for roaring ahead.
Anchor in unwavering Authenticity
Unbound from limiting beliefs & patterns towards authenticity and success with the Better Relations Method.
Use the Body as a Business Navigator
Connect deeper with your embodied YES' and NOs and know how to use your body as a navigator in your business decisions.
How we flow:
This weekend combines shamanic and NeoTantric practices with modern leadership development tools as a vehicle for your personal and professional growth.
Surrounded by a wonderful private Spa we can fully immerse into ourselves and tune in together, so you walk fully turned on home.
October 25th, 18:18-22:22
October 26, 10:10-19:19
Nervous System Regulation Tools
Erotic Leadership Tools to fuel your success and power with your life force energy
Change of patterns in the way to success through the Better Relations Method that is Somatic Shadow Work Scenes
* Food is included in the price: Fri: light dinner, Sat: Lunch
Group Size:
Maximum size of the group: 11 fullpower womxn
I like to go deep with few and really find deep transformation through intimate containers.
The weekend will be held in a private Spa in Zaandam, Netherlands.
It is great to reach by public transport or by car with free parking possibilities.
The space DOESN’T provide accommodation, however there are plenty of options in the area.
Meet your facilitator
Ariane Lalakea
My desire for you in this weekend is to
stand confident in yourSelf with a deep connection to intuition and your body,
unlock the power of Eros and use it as your secret weapon in your decision making,
step into your authentic leadership and lead with head, heart and womb.
I have been sharing spaces of erotic empowerment since more than 6 years now and I love the magic that unfolds in such spaces.
I am super excited about this journey together with you and
support you in connecting deeper to your body and soul
so you use this wisdom in all your endeavours and build a
lasting, healthy and sustainable business.
I am in service to your flow and abundance with great pleasure.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me.