The Erotic is presence, resilience, purpose and clarity and radiance and devotion.
When I speak of the Erotic I am in not referring to being with a lover, but becoming really intimate with yourself.
Stepping into your erotic power is a process that touches all your bodies (in Tantric philosophy we speak of 5 bodies). Eros is infusing all of who you are from the inside out. Let's tune into each of those bodies and see how it is touching it.
Physical Body: PRESENCE
Connecting to your body, your temple is a home coming into the present moment. The work is to get so intimate with this earthly shell that you can release stories and trauma and act from your full capacity. Erotic embodiment is a path to working with the nervous system and opening your body to more flow of your life force energy.
Emotional Body: RESILIENCE
The ability to master your emotions and find calmness even amidst a storm is trained through the erotic. It means to be aware of your anger but not raging blindly out on it. But to allow this to move through your body and find deeper trust in yourself through emotional mastery.
Mental Body: CLARITY and PURPOSE
Clarity is something that naturally resides from this work, as you start to know your desires as well as your boundaries, you can act in alignment with those. From this clarity comes this deep connection to purpose. Your big WHY, no matter if this is for your business or life, knowing your WHY is a big game changer.
Energetic Body: RADIANCE
The one who is connected to the Erotic is glowing from within. It is that emanating spark that surrounds you in a magnetic field and that attracts naturally others into your field.
Spiritual Body: DEVOTION
Life is not just us, it is bigger than us. It is that current that moves all of us, that magic that is accessible to each of us. Devoting to that that is bigger, call it God, universe or however you want to call it, equips us with the ability to not take it all so personal, to deeply trust that we are taken care of and to fully embrace what is.
Come and join me and cultivate your connection to the Erotic in the Pleasure Up weekend